"those who (conduct) their affairs by mutual Consultation"

The Council of Imams in New Jersey is a non-profit 501c3 organization in the State of New Jersey

October 29, 2004 Jumah Ramadan Session Homewood, Ill
Imam Warith Deen Mohammed
With Allah's name, the praise and the thanks is for G-d. We witness that G-d is One alone, there are no other gods with Him, no partner as He reveals in Quran to Muhammad the Prophet pbuh for us that anyone who comes to Him they come only as a servant, not as a god, an office holder sharing power in divine office. They come only to serve Him. There is none like Him and we witness that Muhammad pbuh to whom the Quran was revealed in this month of fast, Ramadan, is His servant and His Messenger pbuh. We salute him with the traditional salute, the prayers and the peace be on him and on his following and on his family, all, and what follows of that tradition.
Quran 4.59; Obey Allah, Prophet and those in authority.
"0 ye who believe! obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves refer it to Allah and His Apostle if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: that is best and most suitable for final determination. "
We thank Allah swt for our presence here today, we thank Him for our life, we thank Him for the blessings of faith in Al Islam. Allah swt says "Obey G-d, obey Allah swt and obey His Messenger pbuh in Quranic Arabic, "Wa uul amr menkum," it is translated "And those with the right of authority or those we have given office to.
Bukhari 8.715; If one seeks a position don't give it to him.
Abdur Rahman bin Samura reported Allah's Apostle said, "(0 'Abdur-Rahman!) Do not seek to be a ruler, for, if you are given the authority of ruling without your asking for it, then Allah will help you; but if you are given it by your asking, then you will be held responsible for it (i,e. Allah will not help you). And if you take an oath to do something and later on find another thing, better than that, then do what is better and make expiation for (the dissolution of) your oath."
Leaders in Al Islam are appointment by the most qualified persons and the consent of the people
You know Prophet Muhammad pbuh said we don't accept anyone into office who comes asking for it, the office is by appointment in Al Islam. The most qualified persons in Al Islam should appoint office holders whether it is a small congregation or a big congregation or a big association like we have now with Imam W Deen Mohammed as our leader, our Imam it should be by appointment. I was appointed in 1975 firstly by my father and there are many witnesses to that, and then by the national convention represented in the national officers. Firstly the officers who were working directly under the Hon. Elijah Muhammad before he passed, the Supreme Captain, his assistant in Chicago Imam Yusuf Shah, Minister Yusuf Shah back then, the assistant Supreme captain who was Elijah Muhammad II, the son of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, my brother. The National secretary who was Abass Rasul at the time and Minister James Shabazz who was also special assistant in the ministry under the Hon. Elijah responsible for affairs of the Chicago Mosque #2 or Temple # 2.
These persons were appointed to office and positions of office should be by appointment and also by the consent of the people. They have to consent, agree with those who we appoint. If the majority of Muslims go against someone we appoint in office, that is the majority of the congregation or the majority of the association like ours, then we have to look again at the persons we appointed and respect the will and the wishes of the majority of the believers. This is the way it should be done.
Al Islam is democracy
Quran 42.38; Command, order by mutual consultation
"Those who hearken to their Lord and establish regular prayer; who (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation; who spend out of what We bestow on them for sustenance;"
We know in the case of Muhammad the Prophet pbuh when he himself made appointments he sought the support of the most qualified ones in terms of good character and knowledge, he sought their support for the person who he would appoint. Many times he didn't appoint persons at all, most of the time he left it to the people to appoint people to represent them in positions of authority
Al Islam, for want of a better word, is a democracy. The expression in Al Islam is "Shuraa baynahum, that is they consult one another, they have mutual consultation, respecting each other as equals. Equally qualified to give advice, to contribute to decision making. "Baynahum" means just that, mutual. I offer my advice and also another person has the same right, and he offers his advice and then we look at all of it and make a conclusion based upon the strongest support that we have from those qualified persons. This is the main description I would say of democracy in Al Islam, this is the main focus for our understanding and perception of how we should manage our affairs and G-d says the believers manage their affairs by "Shuraa Baynahum. "
Obedience. Allah swt says in the Quran, "Ateul-lah wa ateur rasulla wa uulel amre menkum." translated, "Obey G-d, obey His Messenger pbuh and obey those who are called "Uula menkum. It means those who are from you or of you. What is the meaning of this? They say, "Those who have the right of authority," that is one translation. This religion Al Islam which, brings us to the topic or it brings our attention to the guidance of G-d today for this khutbah on this most special day in year for Muslims, Friday.