"those who (conduct) their affairs by mutual Consultation"

The Council of Imams in New Jersey is a non-profit 501c3 organization in the State of New Jersey

Resident Imam Masjidullah
321 Grant Avenue
Plainfield, NJ 07060
Imam Khalil Abdul-Aziz, was born in 1947 in Jersey City, NJ. Khalil attended Public Schools 18 and 24. In 1960, his Family relocated to Sussex, New Jersey where he graduated from Sussex High School in 1965. After high school enrolled in Bloomfield College, Bloomfield, New Jersey and graduated in 1969 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration. After graduation, he entered an internship program at Bloomfield College where he worked with the New Jersey Economic Opportunity Program while attending New York University in Manhattan in the School of Counselor Education. It was a two year Program which was to lead to a Master’s Degree.
After one year, in 1970 the Government instituted a draft lottery system based on birthdays and he was drafted first round into the Army as the Internship Program was not draft exempt. This was during the Vietnam War and he was ordered to report for duty within two weeks. It was at that time he became engaged to his beautiful girlfriend Sister Miriam. After exploring all options available to avoid being drafted, he chose to enlist in the United States Air Force. In January of 1972 after a tour of duty in Okinawa, while home on leave, he and Sister Miriam were married and remain so today. The remaining two and a half years of military duty were spent at Wurtsmith Air Force Base in Oscoda Michigan, and it was in 1973 that their daughter Tahira was born. Upon discharge in 1974, they moved to Saginaw, Michigan where they would spend the next eleven years.
Brother Khalil and Sister Miriam were introduced to the Nation of Islam by The Late Khalid and Faaizah Nuriddin, Khalid having been a longtime friend of Khalil's and Faaizah is the sister of Khalil’s wife, Miriam. Upon discharge from the military, they joined the Nation of Islam after moving to Saginaw, Michigan, becoming fully engaged in all activities of the FOI and MGT. In 1975 came the return to Allah of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and the entering Leadership of Imam W.D. Muhammad, who's line of leadership they support today. In 1978, their second child Kariem was born and in that same year their family name was changed to Abdul-Aziz. While in Michigan, Brother Khalil undertook the study of the Arabic language with Dr. Abdul Munim Shakir in the Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Wayne County Community College. Before relocating back to their home state of New Jersey, Brother Khalil served a one year term as Resident Imam at Masjid Abeedur Rahman in Saginaw.
In 1984 the family moved to Plainfield, New Jersey where they still reside today. They joined Masjidullah and have been members until today where Brother Khalil serves as Assistant to Resident Imam Abdul-Wali Muhammad, whom he admires as a good Imam, Brother and Friend. Brother Khalil is also President of the Majlis Ashurah (Governing Board) and teaches ongoing Arabic Classes at The Masjid.
In January 2014, Khalil Aziz was elected to serve as the Interim Resident Imam of Masjidullah. He continues in that positon currently. During his administration he has guided Masjidullah into a stronger and more secure financial position as well as increase the community outreach. He serves on the New Jersey Council of Imams and the Greater Central Jersey Clergy Association.